
Locus [loh-kuh s]

noun: the place where something happens or the central area of interest in something being discussed

Safe - Simple - Encouraging


Locus [loh-kuh s]

noun: the place where something happens or the central area of interest in something being discussed

Safe - Simple - Encouraging

What's Happening?

What's Happening?

What's Happening?

Locus Church follows the Christian Calendar, also known as the Liturgical Calendar. We are currently in the season of Lent.

New Page

New Page

Over 85% of the Tri-State area does not attend a weekend gathering. The blame can go around but we're trying to make a significant impact in that 85%. We're trying to change people's ideas about church through an encouraging experience in a safe environment. Our goal is to be a safe place for those who are either skeptics or who have not been to church in a long time. We'll not ask you to speak, shake hands, come up front, or recognize yourself. We don't give a public invitation or even take up an offering. It really is a safe place for you to consider or reconsider the claims of Christ.

Sunday Mornings

Sunday Mornings

When & Where

Middlesboro Mall in Middlesboro, KY.

Locus Church entrance is located on the Walmart side of Middlesboro Mall

905 N 12th Street
Middlesboro, KY 40965

Coffee & Locus Kids Drop-Off | 9:35AM

Weekly Gathering |  Sunday 10:00AM - 11:15AM